Monday Distance


Warm Up: 200 swim/100 kick/repeat (fins optional).
3 x 200 swim @ 3:30 (descend 1-3, but only descend to strong, not MAX).
100 easy non-free.
3 x 200 swim @ 3:15 (descend 1-3, but only descend to strong, not MAX).
100 easy non-free.
3 x 200 pull @ 3:15 (descend 1-3, but only descend to strong, not MAX).
100 easy non-free.
3 x 200 pull @ 3:00 (descend 1-3, but only descend to strong, not MAX).
Cool Down: 100 easy non-free.
*3400 total*


Warm Up: 200 swim/100 kick/repeat (fins optional).
3 x 200 swim @ 4:00 (descend 1-3, but only descend to strong, not MAX).
100 easy non-free.
3 x 100 swim @ 1:50 (descend 1-3, but only descend to strong, not MAX).
100 easy non-free.
3 x 200 pull @ 3:45 (descend 1-3, but only descend to strong, not MAX).
100 easy non-free.
3 x 100 pull @ 1:40 (descend 1-3, but only descend to strong, not MAX).
Cool Down: 100 easy non-free.
*2800 total*


Warm Up: 200 swim/100 kick/repeat (fins optional).
3 x 200 swim w/:30 rest.
100 easy non-free.
3 x 150 pull w/:30 rest.
100 easy non-free.
3 x 100 swim w/:20 rest.
Cool Down: 100 easy non-free.
*2300 total*
