Warm-up: (Fins)

4 x 150 Choice
-100 Swim/50 Kick

 (no fins)
16 x 25 (on :40-45)
-1-4 Breathe 3/2/1/0
-5-8 Descend stroke count

10 x 50 (on 1:10-1:20)
1 Drill/1 Build/5 pushups>repeat

5 x 100 (on 2:00)
-25 Swim Climb out jog to end of cement then dive back into pool/50 Swim @75 climb out again dive in and then swim last 25

-Seated on kick board 10-20 ab twists w/ med ball
-20 med ball bounces (standing)
Repeat 2x

4 x 75 w/ med ball (on 1:50-2:00)
-25 Kick ball underwater/25 kick ball on surface/25 catch-up w/ ball

300-600 Paddles and Fins (Ascend, start fast end ez)

6 x 25 under waters w/ fins (on :45)

100 easy cool down swim
