600 warm up (2x: 200 swim/50 kick/50 drill)
12x50 @ 1:00 (drill/swim by 25, IM order)
Main Set #1:
2x [200 IM (stroke/free by 50) @ 3:15
2x100 IM @ 1:45
4x50 IM order, FAST, w/:10 sec rest (subtract :30 from total time to get 200 IM time)
:30 rest
8x25 @ :30 FAST, IM order
100 easy swim]
200 pull smooth
Main Set #2:
2x [1x150 pull smooth @ 2:15
2x75 build @ 1:10
3x50 @ :45 (strong descend 1-3)
:30 rest
6x25 @ :30 ALL FAST
100 easy swim]
200 cool down
*4600 Total*
600 warm up (2x: 200 swim/50 kick/50 drill)
12x50 @ 1:10 (drill/swim by 25, mix in some other strokes)
Main Set:
2x [200 pull smooth @ 4:00
2x100 Build @ 2:00
4x50 STRONG, w/:10 sec rest (subtract :30 from total time to get 200 time)
:30 rest
8x25 @ :45 ALL FAST
200 easy swim]
200 cool down
*3500 Total*
600 warm up (2x: 200 swim/50 kick/50 drill)
12x50 w/:30 rest (drill/swim by 25, mix in some other strokes)
Main Set:
2x [1x150 pull smooth w/:60 rest
2x75 build w/:45 rest
3x50 descend 1-3 w/:30 rest
extra :30 rest
6x25 w/:40 rest, ALL FAST
100 easy swim]
100 cool down
*2500 Total*
600 warm up (2x: 200 swim/50 kick/50 drill)
12x50 @ 1:00 (drill/swim by 25, IM order)
Main Set #1:
2x [200 IM (stroke/free by 50) @ 3:15
2x100 IM @ 1:45
4x50 IM order, FAST, w/:10 sec rest (subtract :30 from total time to get 200 IM time)
:30 rest
8x25 @ :30 FAST, IM order
100 easy swim]
200 pull smooth
Main Set #2:
2x [1x150 pull smooth @ 2:15
2x75 build @ 1:10
3x50 @ :45 (strong descend 1-3)
:30 rest
6x25 @ :30 ALL FAST
100 easy swim]
200 cool down
*4600 Total*
600 warm up (2x: 200 swim/50 kick/50 drill)
12x50 @ 1:10 (drill/swim by 25, mix in some other strokes)
Main Set:
2x [200 pull smooth @ 4:00
2x100 Build @ 2:00
4x50 STRONG, w/:10 sec rest (subtract :30 from total time to get 200 time)
:30 rest
8x25 @ :45 ALL FAST
200 easy swim]
200 cool down
*3500 Total*
600 warm up (2x: 200 swim/50 kick/50 drill)
12x50 w/:30 rest (drill/swim by 25, mix in some other strokes)
Main Set:
2x [1x150 pull smooth w/:60 rest
2x75 build w/:45 rest
3x50 descend 1-3 w/:30 rest
extra :30 rest
6x25 w/:40 rest, ALL FAST
100 easy swim]
100 cool down
*2500 Total*