*Long Course Meters*
10 minute 'your-choice' warm up
8x50 kick w/board (25 easy, 25 hard)
8x50 drill w/pull buoy: 2 as 'shark' drill (tap buoy with hand after every stroke)
2 as 'no-cheat-ketch-up' drill (hold buoy above head, transfer between hands on each stroke)
2 as 'low-buoy' drill (place buoy between ankles)
2 as 'one-arm' swim (hold buoy with one hand, stroke with other arm, switch after 25 meters) 8x50 swim @ :60 (odds: 25 ez, 25 fast; evens: 25 fast, 25 easy)
main set:
3x100, 2x150, 1x300...all pulling on 1:40 per 100 (1:40, 2:30, 5:00)
1x300, 2x150, 3x100...all swim on 1:30 per 100 (4:30, 2:15, 1:30)
200 cool down
*3700 total*

10 minute 'your-choice' warm up
8x50 kick w/board (25 easy, 25 hard)
8x50 drill w/pull buoy: 2 as 'shark' drill (tap buoy with hand after every stroke)
2 as 'no-cheat-ketch-up' drill (hold buoy above head, transfer between hands on each stroke)
2 as 'low-buoy' drill (place buoy between ankles)
2 as 'one-arm' swim (hold buoy with one hand, stroke with other arm, switch after 25 meters) 6x50 swim @ 1:20 (odds: 25 ez, 25 fast; evens: 25 fast, 25 easy)
main set:
4x50, 2x100, 1x200...all pulling on 1:10 per 50 (1:10, 2:20, 4:40)
1x200, 2x100, 4x50...all swim on 1:10 per 50 (1:10, 2:20, 4:40)
200 cool down
*3000 total*

10 minute 'your-choice' warm up
4x50 kick w/board (25 easy, 25 hard)
4x50 drill w/pull buoy: 1 as 'shark' drill (tap buoy with hand after every stroke)
1 as 'no-cheat-ketch-up' drill (hold buoy above head, transfer between hands on each stroke)
1 as 'low-buoy' drill (place buoy between ankles)
1 as 'one-arm' swim (hold buoy with one hand, stroke with other arm, switch after 25 meters) 4x50 swim @ :60 (odds: 25 ez, 25 fast; evens: 25 fast, 25 easy)
main set:
2x50, 1x100...all pulling
2x50, 1x100...all swimming
2x50, 1x100...all pull OR swim with :30 rest after 50s, :60 rest after 100s
100 cool down
*1600 total*
