15 minutes- choice warm up
10 minutes- kick with board (:60 easy, :30 hard, repeat)
200 easy swim
main set:
3x (8x50- 2 @ :55, 2 @ :50, 2 @ :45, 2 @ :40
200 easy swim)
5x100 pull @ 1:30, steady
5x100 w/fins @ 1:25, kick underwater for first 25
10x25 @ :30, odds easy, evens sprint!
200 cool down
*4900 Total (estimate)*

10 minutes- choice warm up
7 minutes- kick with board (:60 easy, :30 hard, repeat)
150 easy swim
main set:
3x (2 @ 1:05, 2 @ 1:00, 2 @ :55
150 easy swim)
4x100 pull @ 2:00, steady
4x100 w/fins @ 1:50, kick underwater for first 25
200 cool down
*3300 Total (estimate)*

7 minutes- choice warm up
5 minutes- kick with board (:60 easy, :30 hard, repeat)
100 easy swim
main set:
3x (4x50 @ 1:20
100 easy swim)
3x100 pull w/ :45 rest
3x100 w/fins w/:30 rest
100 cool down
*2100 Total (estimate)*
