200 swim/200 pull/200 kick/200 swim
6x75 @ 1:30 (25 scull/25 kick/25 swim)
15x50 (5 @ :50, 4 @ :45, 3 @ :40, 2 @ :35, 1 easy/recovery)
500 Snake (50 free/25 non-free)
8x75 IM @ 1:20 (back/breast/free by 25)
6xPartner 50s (Partner A: Vertical Kick, Partner B: 50 Sprint!, alternate)
8x25 @ :40 (#1: hold right foot out of water, #2: hold left foot out, #3-4: swim)
300 cool down (50 Frog/100 swim/repeat)

200 swim/200 pull/200 kick/200 swim
6x75 @ 1:30 (25 kick/25 drill/25 swim)
15x50 (5 @ :60, 4 @ :55, 3 @ :50, 2 @ :45, 1 easy/recovery)
400 Snake (50 free/25 non-free)
6x75 @ 1:30 (25 non-free/50 free)
4xPartner 50s (Partner A: Vertical Kick, Partner B: 50 Sprint!, alternate)
8x25 @ :40 (#1: hold right foot out of water, #2: hold left foot out, #3-4: swim)
300 cool down (50 Frog/100 swim/repeat)

200 swim/200 pull/200 kick
4x75 w/:20 rest (25 kick/25 drill/25 swim)
9x50 w/:15 rest (2 FAST!, 1 easy/recovery)
300 Snake (50 free/25 non-free)
4x75 w/:20 rest (25 non-free/50 free)
4xPartner 50s (Partner A: Vertical Kick, Partner B: 50 Sprint!, alternate)
4x25 @ :40 (#1: hold right foot out of water, #2: hold left foot out, #3-4: swim)
300 cool down (50 Frog/100 swim/repeat)


Anonymous said…
Hi, Thanks so much for the workouts. We have a Masters swim group here in Indonesia, and our workouts are based on yours. :) I did notice the advert in this post. It's for a weight-loss web site. Is that on purpose? Just wondering.
Sara McLarty said…
Thanks for the comment. I am glad that you are using the workouts all the way in Indonesia! Happy Swimming to everyone in your group.
About 1 year ago, I signed up for Google Ads to be posted on the blog. It brings me about $30 per month :) You are not required to click on them...just keep using the swim workouts as normal!