20x50 swim (5 @ :60, 5 @ :55, 5 @ :50, 5 @ :45)
3x300 draft packs (3-4 people per lane, start close together, leader moves to the back of the pack each 100)
6x50 kick @ 1:10
3x200 pull @ 2:50
6x50 @ :55 as: head up 25, swim 25
3x100 @ 1:30 descend 1-3
6x50 @ :50 (3/5, 3/7, 3/9 breathing pattern)
3x100 @ 1:30 ascend 1-3
200 cool down
*4200 Total*

20x50 swim (5 @ 1:10, 5 @ 1:05, 5 @ 1:00, 5 @ :55)
2x300 swim w/ :30 sec rest
4x50 kick @ 1:30
2x200 pull @ 3:30
4x50 @ 1:00 as head up 25, swim 25
3x100 @ 1:50 descend 1-3
4x50 @ :60 (3/5 breathing pattern)
3x100 @ 1:50 ascend 1-3
200 cool down
*3400 Total*

12x50 swim (45 @ 1:30, 4 @ 1:20, 4 @ 1:10)
2x200 swim w/ :60 sec rest
4x50 kick @ 2:00
2x150 pull @ 3:45
4x50 @ 1:30 drill
2x100 @ 2:15 negative split (1st 50 smooth, 2nd 50 fast)
100 cool down
*2000 Total*
